Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Picture this... Me, sitting in my bedroom playing my guitar... As i sat there i began to think about music, instruments, life... You know... The usual... But i began to focus on instruments, then on the instruments i play.... Guitar, Ukelele, Bass, Piano... After thinking for well over a half hour i decided i play the coolest instrument in the world... The guitar.
Who in the heck thought about it enough to come up with a guitar??? "Hmm... let me think here" (this being said in the head of the inventor)... "If i put these strings from here to here and make them really tight... Oh yeah... And i have to make a bunch of these little ridges (frets) so i can push the string down and change the pitch... There will have to be a hollow body made of good wood to project and amplify the sound..." Gosh... Who ever that was had there head about them...
Honestly... If you think about it.... How many instruments are there really... Not very many... So that means that not very many people have made instruments and succeeded. Ha ha ha. You would have to have so much patience and time to make a new instrument... Not to mention a freaking creativity in your mind that blows all others away...
Think about the inventor of the bongos... A guy sitting in his room was just like... I need this sound... Ha ha... Now how to get it... Let me stretch animal hide over a hollow wooden cylinder and see how that sound.... Ah.... Just right... Like... Wow.... Seriously i have no idea where some of these guys did what they did...
Sorry if this blog bored you to death. I like to write what i want to write. so.... Eat it. :) Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this though... Your the bomb! Talk to you soon!!!
Joshism #2: Don't waist your time trying to be what other people want you to be. Be what you want to be. Expressing yourself through music helps that process along Greatly!

1 comment:

  1. joshua meacham. i also love music. you are a beautiful son of god. keep it up. im going to text you right now because i havent talked to you in a while. peace and love brother.
